You already know there is something more to you... let's explore how to find it.

The BALANCE Experience

Run over 3 consecutive days (2 nights) this residential coaching based experience is designed to make a personal, positive, profound, and permanent difference in your life…

…and it’s probably unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever done before

For each of us, there usually comes a point in life and business when we ask some big questions. What is it that YOU are asking? A select few of us recognise that we must do something before it’s too late.  But don’t quite know what. 

BALANCE offers a break.  A Pattern Interrupt.  A re-boot.  And the space and opportunity to uncover our own answers.

Utterly life changing. I cannot thank you enough. Those three days with you count among the most important days of my life

Click on the first video for an introduction to the BALANCE experience

Balance Experience retreat
Balance FAQs

Once you have viewed the videos, click on the free BALANCE questionnaire.  It all starts here.