"Many months later and we’re STILL talking about the lessons we learned from Andy"
Catherine Barratt MD, BAMUK
Keynote inspirational speaker, author and creator of:
(better relationships = better business)
Book Andy Edwards and inspire your audience to ‘Play Nicely Together’ using behavioural psychology!
The real currency out there is not money, it's RELATIONSHIPS
See Andy In Action

Andy's Showreel

Why I talk about BEHAVIOUR

Good Day vs Bad Day Behaviour
Trusted By:

Andy says:
"After this presentation I want you recognise and prioritise workplace relationships as a competitive advantage.”
Go back and make a difference to each other, a difference to your work environment; your customers...”
"Many of your workplace challenges will simply disappear simply by creating and maintaining the best possible business relationships.”

"Beyond ‘good at what he does’ – he is the best. Authenticity shines through because he lives what he does and the results show!"
F Kelley, Vimeo